Newsletter 17th June 2022

Dear parents and carers,

Well it’s been one very warm week here at Common Road with another very busy week in school. We were delighted to celebrate our awesome achievers for this term this week, congratulations again to Cassie, Reggie, Layton, Jack, Harrison and Archie. Thank you to all the parents who attended.

I hope after school today you managed to catch the Common Road Champions (CRC) celebrating our first frozen Friday with their cool box of iced treats. These will be available every Friday from just 25p!

Sun safety – As the weather warms up can I remind everyone that children need to bring a water bottle and hat to school everyday. We ask that parents apply a strong suntan lotion such as factor 50 before school. If you think this will need re-applying please give this to your child’s teacher with your child’s name on. We encourage our children to apply their on suntan lotion but we recognise they are young and may need some help, therefore the staff will support application of suntan lotion to exposed areas like arms and faces. If a child does not have lotion on we will have a small bottle in school for emergencies which with parental permission staff can apply. The school nurse will be coming in over the next few weeks to talk about staying happy and safe in the sun.

University of Life – Last week the children had the chance to choose which subject they would like to study in our U of L project. The children will study a course every Friday afternoon with different friends and even a different teacher! Courses on offer included chemistry, astronomy, dance… but to name a few. After they have studied over a number of weeks they will have in school graduation. We hope this inspires our children and gives them some ideas about what job they may like when they grow up!

Summer Fayre – After the success of our Jubilee Gala we will be holding a Summer Fayre 4-6pm on Thursday 14th July. If you would like to help out by running a stall please see one of the CRC, the school office or myself and we can pop your name down.

Bring a toy / Non uniform day – On Thursday 7th July we will be having a whole school non uniform, bring a toy day to collect donations of toys for our gala. On this day we invite children to come in their non-uniform (no silver donation necessary) and invite them to bring a preloved toy/toy they do not play with anymore for our gala. The toys will be collected from the school by the CRC on this day. A text reminder will be sent the day before.

Dates for your fridge:

Wednesday 22nd June – Storytelling session in Reception for Nursery children 4 – 4.30pm (please come to the reception class doors)
Thursday 23rd June @ 9am – Lion’s (Miss Mitchell’s) class assembly, parents warmly welcomed.
Tuesday 28th June – Transition day for all pupils – Letter to follow.

I look forward to seeing you all at the many events we have planned over this term. Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs D Edwards


*All data we collect is kept in line with the Data Protection Act 2018.