Newsletter 4th February 2022

Dear parents and carers,

Well it’s been a busy week here in school as we celebrated National Story telling week and Chinese New Year. Thank you to Miss Mitchell and the Lions for leading our assembly on Thursday and for all the grown-ups for taking the time to join us. A few bits and pieces to share with you:

Valentines Disco – We are very excited to be hosting a Valentines Disco for all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 for the first time this year. The disco will take place on Thursday 17th February 4-5pm. It is just £1 per child. Please pay on the door, all monies will go back into the school fund for the children. The entry cost includes a valentine’s themed drink and snack during the disco.

Water – Just a polite reminder to all families, the school’s policy for children’s drinks during the day is plain still water. Please only send your child to school with plain still water in their water bottle. I know some parents may be worried that their child will not drink water but we will all be encouraging the children to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Water is good for your teeth, it waters down acid and even washes away bits of leftover food. No added sugar dilute juices and flavoured waters all have a high sugar content and when left on a child’s teeth all day could lead to tooth decay. Unfortunately across the UK a quarter of all 5 year olds have tooth decay affecting on average 3 to 4 teeth per child. As a school we want to play our part in minimising the number of children experiencing decay.

INSET days – Dates for your diaries… Here are the remaining INSET days for this academic year. The school will be closed for teacher training on the following days:

Thursday 5th May 2022
Friday 8th July 2022
Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th July 2022. School will close for the summer break on Friday 22nd July 2022.

Arriving late – A quick reminder, the main doors to school close at 9.00am (8.45am for nursery pupils). If the doors are closed you will need to drop your child off through the main school office to ensure they receive their mark and order their lunch. Nursery staff will no longer open the doors for pupils arriving after 8.45am. They will expect these children to be dropped at the school office.

Drop off and collection – A number of children have recently been picked up by their older siblings. Though there is no legal age for siblings to be able to collect younger children from school the schools policy as agreed by governors is that all pupils in school should be picked up from school by a known adult or siblings provided they are 16 years old or above. Special arrangements may be made after discussion with the class teacher/Headteacher. Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs D Edwards
