We are a Local Authority maintained Infant and Nursery School located in South Kirkby, Pontefract.
We are a two-form entry school with two classes of 30 in each year group, 60 in total. We have a 78-place school nursery on site which feeds into our school reception class.
We offer 30 and flexible hours in addition to our 3 hour am and pm sessions.
Each of our classes is known as a class family and the children alongside their teacher will have chosen an animal to represent this class family. Your child’s class teacher will write to you each term to explain what your child is learning. You will also be invited into school to watch your child’s class assembly, there will be three class assemblies every year.
When children leave our school in Year 2 they often attend our feeder school, South Kirkby Academy, which is a short walk away. We have built strong relationships with South Kirkby Academy and this ensures a smooth transition for our Year 2 pupils as they move to Year 3. We also work closely with local early years providers to ensure there is a robust transition to our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) for every child.