Welcome to our Early Years Foundation Stage

We are very proud of our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) at Common Road Infant and Nursery School and the early education it provides for our children.

Our EYFS is led by Miss Perry and she is supported by a skilled team of practitioners.

Meet The EYFS Team

Miss Perry
Teacher & EYFS Lead
Mrs Hulme
Teacher & SENDCO
miss mitchell
Miss Mitchell
miss lawson
Miss Lawson
Mrs Oxley
Mrs Oxley
Early Years Practitioner
Mrs Tonks
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Russell
Nursery Nurse
Mrs Kayli Bedford
Mrs Bedford
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Hale
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Copes
Teaching Assistant
Miss Kolka
Teaching Assistant

Our children join the EYFS from 3 years of age, joining Nursery and continuing to the end of the Reception year. We have an onsite, teacher-led 78 place nursery offering 15 and 30 hours as well as flexible free childcare. This feeds into our 60-place Reception classes.

The EYFS provides vital foundations for future educational and social development. It is important in its own right, and in preparing children for future schooling. At Common Road Infant and Nursery School, we aim to provide the highest quality care and education through a full and varied range of learning activities. Children take part in a range of adult-led activities as well as opportunities to play and explore. We give our children a strong foundation for the future. We provide a safe and happy environment where enjoyable learning experiences fire a love of learning. We enable our children to become confident and independent.

We value the individual child and respect their individuality. As positive relationships with children and their families are crucial, we work alongside parents, carers and the wider community to meet each child’s needs and help them to reach their full potential.

Have a look at this short video to find out more…

For Nursery places, please contact the school or complete the application form and return it to the school office.

Reception places are allocated by Wakefield admissions.

Reception places for full time school are allocated by Wakefield admissions. Please take a look at Wakefield admissions guide for parents to find out everything you need to know, including how to apply.

Wakefield Council Admissions Guide for Parents

You can also find out more by visiting the link below:

Interested in a Nursery place?
Why not get in touch.

For Nursery places, please contact the school or complete the application form at the bottom of this page and return it to the school office.

wooden crates and reel forming a display in the corner of a classroom
Welcome to our Early Years Foundation Stage

'Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential.

Children develop quickly in the early years and a child’s experiences between birth and age five have a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe and happy childhood is important in its own right.

Good parenting and high-quality early learning together provide the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grown up.'

EYFS Statutory Framework