Remote Learning Provision

The following information is intended to provide clarity and our expectations for Remote Learning and how we will aim to meet your child’s learning needs during this lockdown if they are not in school.

All pupils have been issued with a remote login and password.

Please contact the school immediately if you have any issues using this and out IT leader – Mrs Staves will be able to help you with this.

Timetable: What is to be taught at home?

There is a timetable is in place for remote learning and this will be reviewed every 2 weeks by the SLT using information and feedback from staff delivering remote learning and also parents/carers comments. The timetable is available on the website, Facebook page and also as a paper copy from school.

Our aims are to:

  • reach as many families as possible
  • review the lessons being delivered daily
  • build up the teaching time (if required)
  • work with our feeder schools to ensure that our timetable is manageable for parents/carers to access when they are attempting to organise the day’s learning across three settings
  • allow us to take necessary actions to prepare for a longer period of remote learning.


Your child will be able to:

  • Login to remote learning and access live and pre-recorded lessons.
  • In conjunction with this – complete a paper pack of ‘Home Learning’ which will be given out every 2 weeks. This is work based on what your child would have been learning in class. It adheres to our curriculum and also builds on the remote learning.
  • For the first 5 weeks of remote learning the main focus will be on core subjects: maths, RWI and English.
  • After this period other subjects will be included in live lessons with links given to other online learning.


How long do we expect your child to work each day?


Pupils will be expected to access 1.5 hours of live lessons each day.
Pre-recorded lessons each day – 1 hours
This includes: RWI, maths, English – nursery rhymes, poetry, story time, Topic (linked to Knowledge Organiser), Wake Up – Shake Up, Self-care skills practice, fine motor activities (Squiggle while you Wiggle), Go noodle, Cosmic Yoga, Jack Harmann movement sessions. Pupils are asked to complete a challenge after each pre-recorded lesson and to upload on Evidence Me.
Home Learning paper packs are differentiated to meet each pupils needs (independent work) and includes 1.0 hours work each day

In total there is 3.5 hours learning for your child each day.
‘Evidence Me’ is used for parents/carers to upload work, activities and staff to add next steps challenge activities.
We have also signposted you to other online learning and web sites to complete any additional work linked to Science and the class topic.
Bespoke learning is also planned in for individual pupils (RWI) and delivered by Miss Holling


Pupils will be expected to log on for 1.5 hours of live lessons each day for maths, RWI and English. There will also be 4 hours a day of pre-recorded learning (Science, History/Geography and the ‘Book of the Week’.
Home Learning paper packs (independent work) follow on from the pre-recorded lessons. This includes additional reading tasks to support the live lessons.
There is also 30 minutes of work each day from the ‘skills pack’.
In total there is approximately 5.5 hours of learning for your child each day. We have also signposted you to other online learning and web sites to complete any additional work linked to Science and the year group Topic.
Bespoke Learning:
Bespoke packages of Remote Learning are also available for identified pupils. This is in agreement with the parents/carers, SENDCo and the Headteacher.
The pupils receive a differentiated paper Home Learning pack matched to their ability level. The same levels of support as other pupils are given with the work delivered at a different time of the day and specifically planned to meet individual need.
Additional live RWI and maths sessions are led by a member of staff.

Accessing Remote Learning

  • The Digital platform used: Microsoft Teams
  • Online websites and links are given on the timetable and updated as required.
  • Our IT leader (Mrs Staves) is available for any issues that parents/carers may have regarding access. Contact 01977 651918 to speak to her.


How will we support you if you have difficulty accessing remote education?

We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home or have difficulty accessing this due to the demand placed on usage at home with other siblings, internet access.
The survey we conducted during the week commencing 4.1.21 gave us information regarding access to remote learning and we have a very small number of families experiencing difficulty. Through weekly welfare checks, we can keep this information up to date and relevant and meet the needs of our pupils if circumstances change.

To support this:

  • Orders have been placed for additional devices for families who require them. ∙ SIM cards/data cards have been issued and are available on request.
  • Paper packs of work are available and these are updated as and when required on an individual basis within a 2-week window.
  • Individual pencil/writing equipment has been issued to all pupils.
  • Parents are invited to send their child into school for learning if they are experiencing difficulty accessing remote learning.
  • Work completed at home can be submitted to school as and when required. ∙ Any printed materials required are prepared and distributed from school.


How will my child be taught remotely?

We use a combination of approaches as follows:

  • Live teaching
  • Pre-recorded lessons
  • Storytime, reading and comprehension activities on Teams (verbal feedback in live lessons) ∙ Printed work packs produced by teachers for each year group
  • Commercially available websites to support the teaching of specific subjects – topic and science
  • Bespoke packages for individual pupils with reference to the above
  • Additional paper, workbooks and equipment is available on request from school.


Engagement and feedback:

  • We expect that your child will access remote learning as the weekly timetable.
  • Class teachers will contact their class each week (telephone call) to discuss how the learning is progressing, engagement with home learning and also as a welfare call.
  • Weekly phone calls are important to us so that we can encourage your child to access the learning, follow up any misconceptions from work returned to us and ensure that the mental health and well-being of everyone is positive.
  • We can also follow up any concerns and signpost to other agencies if required. ∙ The Behaviour for Learning Manager will contact identified pupils every day for welfare checks and also to follow up and pupil’s not accessing remote learning and supporting where necessary.
  • She will also contact parents/carers who ‘drop off’ from remote learning as ongoing to offer support and advice.
  • The Headteacher will follow up any lack of engagement with home learning, deliver any home learning not collected from school and contact any parents/carers not communicating with school.
  • The Headteacher and BfLM will contact any parent/carer who has difficulty engaging with school personally and look at a plan to either strengthen support at home or offer the child a place in school.


How will we assess your child’s work and progress?

Weekly discussion with your child’s class teacher will be important to helping us understand any issues with the work being set and any difficulties completing this.

  • Pupils will have an opportunity during the live lessons to respond to previous learning and discuss with the teacher progress made.
  • Pupils will be able to upload their work to the teacher and staff will respond to this individually using the digital platform, through the weekly discussion and by phone call if required.
  • Feedback will be given to all pupils as and when required as ongoing through this process. ∙ Feedback will mainly be verbal.
  • A weekly Celebration Assembly will reward good work and engagement with certificates and a medal.


Additional support for pupils with particular needs

We recognise that some of our pupils may have difficulty accessing remote education without support and we acknowledge that these difficulties then place additional pressure on families.

SEND Pupils:

  • The SENDCo (Miss Atkinson) will contact individual pupils weekly to discuss any issues and concerns and also to arrange bespoke learning if required.
  • Individual SEND work packs and support are available for pupils with an EHC plan.
  • In addition a member of staff will contact individual pupils to arrange a remote timetable that fits around home circumstances and the remote learning already in place.



  • Nursery is open to our younger pupils as usual.
  • Any pupils who do not attend will have access to remote learning as the weekly timetable and a Home Learning paper pack which is replaced and updated every 2 weeks.
  • Staff will also make a weekly welfare call and learning check.


Remote Education for self-isolating pupils

  • Any pupils self-isolating will still be able to access our Remote Learning as every child in school has a login and password and has been issued with paper packs of work.
  • Additional work will be sent home (if requested by parents/carers) and a dedicated member of staff has responsibility for contacting pupils self-isolating for welfare checks and to also discuss progress being made with their work.
  • This is also to support parents/carers who may need help signposting to other agencies if they have contracted the Coronavirus and need medical or other support.


Our Remote Learning Plan is a work in progress and will be reviewed as often as necessary to ensure that the majority of our pupils are accessing learning.

two boys sat at a desk writing with pencils