
Writing sessions are taught daily in Key Stage 1.  Writing is often, although not exclusively, based around the theme for that term/half term and quality core texts are carefully chosen to carefully link.  As well as writing inspiration, the chosen text provides a wealth of reading, drama, speaking and listening opportunities. The carefully chosen text will also provide many opportunities for children’s vocabulary development.  Strategies including Talk for writing are included in the teaching sequence to develop oracy and enable children to ‘hold’ the story in their head. Writing opportunities are also closely linked to first hand experiences such as visits, visitors, celebrations and events. All aspects of writing, transcription and composition are taught through Read, Write Inc, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar and Writing lessons.

Within a lesson, the teacher will build up the writing with the children through a modelled or shared piece of writing.  A differentiated ‘writers toolkit’ is provided for the children to enable them to access the scaffolds they need to write confidently and with accuracy.

Handwriting is taught explicitly daily and there are high expectations for handwriting and presentation in children’s books.

Spelling is taught as part of Read, Write, Inc. and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar.

child writing with a pencil smiling at the camera

‘Reading is like breathing in, Writing is like breathing out.’