Our PE curriculum is guided by the National Curriculum (2014) for KS1 PE, and the statutory early years foundation stage and development matters frameworks.
Pupils should be taught to:
Our intent is that the teaching of PE will be based upon the knowledge and skills children need to become good sportsmen and women. From the Early Years we want to encourage good physical development so children can master the fundamental skills of running, jumping, throwing, catching and balancing. We want our children to be agile and to have developed their co-ordination so they can apply these skills to specific sporting disciplines.
Through team games we will teach children about strategy and tactics and provide opportunities to participate in competition beyond our school. We aim to celebrate our achievements with pride.
We will model and coach our children to be competitive but fair and honest and to become gracious in the face of defeat. We are aspirational for our children and nurture their individual gifts and talents, we encourage them to practise to improve their skills and to have belief in themselves and their abilities. We aim for all of our children to grow to enjoy physical activity and find a sport that they enjoy.
'True enjoyment comes from activity of the mind and exercise of the body; the two are ever united.'