
External Resources

Staff with safeguarding training

All the staff at Common Road Infant and Nursery School have safeguarding training. Here are the people in our school who have special training to keep children safe:

Portrait of Mrs Danielle Edwards, headteacher at Common Road Infant & Nursery School

Mrs Danielle Edwards (Headteacher)
Children in Care (CIC) Lead

Miss Karen Atkinson
Mental Health & Well-Being / RSHE Lead

Mrs Oxley

Mrs Louise Oxley
Prevent Lead

Mrs Lauren Hulme
SENDCO / Young Carers Lead

Wakefield Families Together brings services together, so that it’s easier for you to find and access the support you need, at the earliest opportunity.

We want children, young people, and families to tell us they are happy, healthy, and safe. Wakefield Families Together are about working on your behalf so that if you have a concern about your child or family member, you only need to have one conversation with us, and we can direct you to the right support. You can access this support through your child’s school, family hub, or in the local community.

To help us localise how we work with families across the Wakefield district, we have grouped our teams and partner organisations into six community ‘cluster’ areas, with nine family hubs and three Youth Hubs. 

Everyone needs help and support at some point in their life. So, when you do and find it hard to deal with a difficult situation, or have worries around family relationships, behaviour, school attendance, emotional and mental health, domestic abuse, parental conflict, housing issues, or employment and debt problems, Family Hubs can help direct to the right people and services. Sometimes the concerns you have may need a group of professionals to come together to build a package of support with you and other family members so that we have the right expertise to help the whole family. Find out more about the Team Around the School model here: The ‘Team Around’ approach – Wakefield Families Together


a child being supervised by a teacher