If you would like your child to attend our Nursery please contact the school or complete the application form which should then be returned to the school office. Your child will then be put on our waiting list.
Your child will be eligible to start Nursery the term after they turn three. You will receive a letter to offer you a place the term before they are due to start. School should be notified either by letter or phone if you wish to accept this place. Please ensure school is notified of any change of address and telephone numbers during this time.
Your child will then be invited to FEET (Families Enjoying Everything Together) sessions where they will be able to get to know the staff and other children they will attend Nursery with. You will be sent a letter to confirm a time for a transition discussion in the term before your child is due to start – this is an informal meeting where we can get to know you and your child before they start Nursery.
Places for full time school are allocated by Wakefield admissions. Forms are sent directly to the child’s address and should be completed and returned to Wakefield. Parents will receive a letter notifying them if they have a place in school.
Parents should contact the local authority to find out about your admission arrangements. A link to the Wakefield admissions service is provided below.
If your child has not attended our school nursery you and your child will be invited to FEET (Families Enjoying Everything Together) sessions where they will be able to get to know the staff and other children they will attend Reception with. You will be sent a letter to confirm a time for a transition discussion in the term before your child is due to start – this is an informal meeting where we can get to know you and your child before they start Nursery.