
Our team of governors play a vital role in our school. They are custodians of the high standards of academic excellence and the welfare of our children.  Our governors are part of the leadership team, they challenge us and give us high targets, they act as our ‘critical friend’.  We are proud of the commitment and dedication shown by our governors.  They show this dedication not just through attending meetings and monitoring standards, but also in their presence at functions and special events.  They have a real knowledge of our school, linking with different classrooms and contributing a vibrant mix of training and co-operative working with the teaching staff.

Our chair of governors is Mrs Stephanie White and our vice-chair is Mrs Janie Theaker and Mrs Tracey Smiles. Among the team we have a mix of professionals, parents and business people, this allows our governors to bring a range of skills to their roles.

From 1st September 2015, governing bodies of local authority maintained schools in England were required to publish on their website their register of interests. This register meets statutory requirements by setting out the relevant business interests of our governors and details of any other educational establishments they govern. The register includes details of any relationships between governors and members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives.

If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors please send a letter to the school office addressed to The Chair of Governors.

Please see the attachments below for Governor Details and Register of Interests.