Newsletter 21st April 2023

Dear parents and carers,

I hope you all enjoyed the Easter break and the Easter bunny managed to visit the children in your house. Thank you for all your support in our Easter activities. Miss Perry and the school parliament will draw the bunny hunt this week and announce the winners!

Diary dates: I have attached to this letter the school diary dates for the remainder of this year. Hopefully this will help you organise your calendar and join us for some of our events. Please keep it safe and perhaps pop a copy on your fridge or take a photo on your phone!

Bake for dementia day: Wednesday 3rd May, after school we will be holding a bake sale to raise money for dementia care. This will be led by Miss Perry and the school parliament. Please join us on the school field/school hall to purchase baked goods. As always we are reliant on donations from staff and families. If you can bake for us the money raised will go to an excellent cause. Please can all bakes be given to your child’s class teacher on Tuesday eve/Wednesday morning. Thank you.

Coronation of King Charles III: On Friday 5th May we will be celebrating King Charles’ coronation. Miss Brown will start the day with a themed assembly and then activities will take place across the classes throughout the day. At lunch we will all be enjoying a very British picnic (hopefully outside!) On this day children are welcome to come dressed as Kings/Queens/Princesses/Princes etc or wear British themed clothes/colours red, white and blue. The celebrations will conclude with our Coronation gala which starts at 2.30pm. If you would like to collect your child early for the gala, gates will be open from 2.30pm please go to your child’s classroom door for collection. The CRC are asking for donations of baked good for the gala and any volunteers who may be willing to help!

Year 2 SATs: Our Year 2 pupils will be taking part in the statutory end of Key Stage 1 assessments over a two week period starting WC 15th May. These will take place in their classrooms with their teacher who they know and feel secure and safe. Teacher judgment is used alongside the tasks and tests. We all want the children to do their very best but they are still very young and we do not want to put any pressure on our young children during this time, our aim is to keep their school day as normal as possible.

The SAT tests will take place as follows:
Tuesday 16th May Reading paper 1

Wednesday 17th May Reading paper 2

Tuesday 23rd May Maths paper 1

Thursday 25th May Maths paper 2

Assessments of writing are made by the teacher using evidence in children’s books and their knowledge of your child. At home you can support your child by:

  • Helping them practise their learning for example reading with them.
  • Making sure they get a good nights sleep
  • Make sure they have their breakfast
  • Making sure they come to school on time…all these things will help your child have a calm and settled start to their school day.

The results of the tasks and tests will be published in your child’s annual school report in July.

We will be holding a SATs information meeting for parents on Tuesday 2nd May. There will be two meetings, please feel free to attend whichever suits you! The first will be at 2.30pm in the school hall and the second at 5pm. As always refreshments will be provided.

Year 1 phonics screening checks: We will be holding a phonics screening check information meeting for parents on Tuesday 9th May. There will be two meetings, please feel free to attend whichever suits you! The first will be at 2.30pm in the school hall and the second at 5pm. As always refreshments will be provided. The checks will take place WC 12th June 2023.

New school menu: We have a new school menu for the summer term. I have attached a copy so you can go through this with your child. We also have some picnic lunches planned for when the warmer weather finally arrives. Please note there has been an admin error at ISS. Pork sausages should read vegetarian sausages. I have amended your version attached but please be aware this may still be an error on the website until ISS address this.

Late times: After discussion with governors, the education welfare officer and South Kirkby Academy we will be changing our late times to align these with our feeder school. Children arriving after the doors close at 9am will be marked as late (L) in the register (9-9.15am) After 9.15am children will be marked as unauthorised (U). The school’s attendance policy is available on the school website should you require any further information.

Items from home: Please can I ask that toys and other items from home remain at home where possible. We have some extrememly generous children who have recently been sharing their lipsticks… Thank you in advance for supporting school with this.

Finally a quick staffing update: I would like to send a big congratulations to Miss Mitchell and Miss Lawson who are both expecting babies in the autumn term. Miss Mitchell’s baby girl is due in September and Miss Lawsons baby due in October. We cannot wait to meet your new arrivals! Miss Hewitt will be teaching in nursery and Miss Adams, a new teacher to our school, will be teaching for Miss Mitchell in September.

Miss White will be leaving us for pastures new at the end of the summer term. We wish her all the best in the next steps of her career. To support Miss White and ensure she receives a range of teaching opportunities she will now be teaching in early years and Year 2 to broaden her experience. I am delighted that Mrs Sheppard will teach the Panda class Monday and Tuesday and Miss Atkinson will teach Wednesday/Thursday/Friday. Mrs Sheppard will support Miss Atkinson and Miss Shaw will support Mrs Sheppard.

Just a reminder school will be closed Monday 1st May, Monday 8th May for national Bank Holidays and 4th May as school is used as a polling station.

I am looking forward to another fabulous term here at Common Road.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs D Edwards
