Flying High Together

Newsletter 1st April 2022

Dear parents and carers,

I hope this letter finds you all well. We have had such a busy term here at Common Road with some fantastic learning taking place and some great parent/child events. Thank you for attending these and thank you to all the school staff for their commitment, hard work and dedication in organising these.

Next week we will be finishing for the Easter break. Here are a few reminders/dates for you diaries:

Tuesday 5th April – Year 1 pupils visit to Scarborough, please ensure they have weather appropriate clothes, a packed lunch (if you haven’t ordered one from school) and remember the coach will arrive back at school at 4pm. Children will need to wear their uniform as normal. Please no chocolate, sweets or drinks other than plain still water. Thank you.

On the same day Miss Atkinson will be hosting our parents SATs meeting both face to face and virtually. This will take place at 2.30pm. If you would like to attend please contact the school office or arrive at school at 2.30pm on Tuesday. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served.

Wednesday 6th April – Easter parade – All children are invited to come to school with their Easter bonnet or decorated egg for our Easter parade. There are many chocolate themed prizes in my office ready for the winners!

Thursday 7th April – Following our parent and child maths workshops the feedback from parents was that they would like a session looking at maths teaching and strategies. Mrs Staves is keen to support parents and has planned the first session for Year 2 parents on Thursday 7th April at 2.00pm. This session is just for parents. Again tea, coffee and biscuits will be served.

Crossing patrol – Due to staff absence there will be no crossing patrol on Common Road next week Thursday 7th / Friday 8th April. Please take care crossing the road as you drop off and collect your children from school.

Friday 8th April – Elephants lead our Easter assembly at 9am in the school hall. All parents welcome, especially parents of children in the elephants class. School closes for Easter at the normal time and will reopen Monday 25th April.

School meals menu – We have a new school meal menu for our children that begins after Easter. I have attached a copy so you can share this with your child. The first week after Easter will be week one on the menu. Children can choose their dinner each morning from the menu. We also provide sandwiches for children who would prefer a sandwich. Children can pick on the day and can choose between dinners and sandwiches. I must say Mrs Wiggins our school cook makes some delicious dinners for the children and they are all FREE!

WF Happy Healthy Holidays – Wakefield Council have loads of fun activities happening this Easter as part of their WF Happy Healthy Holidays programme. There are free places available for any children and young people (from Reception year to those aged 16) who are eligible for income based free school meals (if you are unsure please telephone the school office who will be able to advise you) There are lots of activities on offer including dance and theatre workshops, football, arts and crafts, day trips, animation workshops, sports activities, cooking, food and nutrition activities and much more! To book a place visit

SESKU Community Day Trips – Please see the attached flyer for local trips that will take place over Easter. These are reasonably priced for a family day out and include Skegness and Scarborough.

I wish you and your family a fantastic Easter and I will look forward to welcoming you all back on Monday 25th April.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs D Edwards


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