Flying High Together

Newsletter 29th April 2022

Dear parents and carers,

I hope you all enjoyed your Easter break and managed to spend some quality time together. It was lovely to see you all on Monday when school reopened.

Diary dates
Attached to this newsletter are the dates for your diary for the summer term. Please keep these safe, stick them on the fridge or take a quick photo on your phone! We have so much planned for the summer term we cannot wait to get started…

Reminder – School will be closed on the following dates:
Monday 2nd May – Bank Holiday
Thursday 5th May – Polling
Friday 8th July – INSET day
School closes for the summer break Friday 22nd July and reopens Wednesday 7th September 2022.

Congratulations Mr and Mrs Oxley
In the Easter holidays (after many months/years of waiting) Miss Wheatley said ‘I do’. On behalf of all the staff at Common Road School I send our love and best wishes to Mr and Mrs Oxley who start a new chapter of their lives together. Congratulations to you both!

Bake for dementia day
Next Friday we will be holding a fundraising fun day for dementia UK. Miss Perry is organising the event so keep your eyes peeled for more details. Perhaps baking could be No.1 activity on the list for Thursday, when school is closed!

Year 2 SATs
Our Year 2 pupils will be taking in part in the statutory end of Key Stage 1 assessments over a two week period starting WC 16th May. These will take place in their classrooms with their teacher who they know and feel secure and safe. Teacher judgment is used alongside the tasks and tests. We all want the children to do their very best but they are still very young and we do not want to put any pressure on our young children during this time, our aim is to keep their school day as normal as possible.

The SAT tests will take place as follows:

Tuesday 17th May Reading paper 1
Wednesday 18th May Maths paper 1
Thursday 19th May Maths paper 2
Tuesday 24th May Reading paper 2

Assessments of writing are made by the teacher using evidence in children’s books and their knowledge of your child.

At home you can support your child by:
∙ Helping them practise their learning for example reading with them.
∙ Making sure they get a good nights sleep
∙ Make sure they have their breakfast
∙ Making sure they come to school on time…all these things will help your child have a calm and settled start to their school day.
The results of the tasks and tests will be published in your child’s annual school report in July.

PTA (Common Road Champions)
I am keen to re start the school PTA who will now be known as the Common Road Champions! The champions will work with myself and Miss Atkinson to arrange events including fundraising, volunteering in school to help with events/listening to children read… and be a champion for the school in our community. If you are interested in becoming a champion/supporter of our school please speak to myself or the school office to pop your name down. We will meet together at 9am on Wednesday 11th May for a cuppa and a chat about how we can work together to support the children of Common Road School. The school community is incredibly important to our school and we are looking forward to working more closely together.

Cashwise parent support sessions
With the sharp rises in the cost of living we know that many families will find themselves struggling financially. We have asked cashwise to come into school and offer some 1:1 drop in sessions for parents who need support. Cashwise can provide support and advice on benefits, managing money, home budgeting, job advice and much more.

The sessions will take place each Wednesday in June starting on 7th June between 9-11am. These will be in the Little Owls Hub (via nursery entrance) a text reminder will be sent prior to the sessions.

Stay and play sessions
Our stay and play sessions for under 3’s led by HomeStart continue weekly every Thursday in the Little Owls Hub. The sessions start 12.15 – 1.15pm entrance by the pedestrian access on Common Road. Please feel free to pop in for the sessions.

Finally keep your eyes peeled on our Facebook and Twitter pages to find out more about what is happening in school.

Thank you all for your continued support,

Mrs D Edwards


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