Newsletter 21st September 2021

Dear parents and carers,

I hope this newsletter finds you well. We have had a very busy start here at Common Road to the new school year.  The children have all settled well into their new routines.  The teachers have been telling me all about how hard the children are working and how proud they are! I’m sure you are all very proud of them too!

Jeans for Genes day – Thank you for supporting this charity by wearing jeans and bringing into school a donation. We raised £66.31 in total for genetic research. Thank you once again!

MacMillan fundraising event – Just a reminder our MacMillan fundraiser will take place on Thursday organised by the school parliament.  If you would like to bake for our cake sale please hand these in to your child’s class teacher on Thursday morning. The bake sale will take place on the school playground from 2.45pm. The children will be having their own coffee morning in school on Thursday with a hot chocolate and bun, silver donations again welcomed.

Dates for your diary (next week):

Tuesday 28th September: Parent and child phonics sessions for Year 1 and Year 2 9.00am in the school hall.

Wednesday 29th September: Parent and child phonics sessions for Reception classes 9.00am in the school hall.

Thursday 30th September: Year 2 visit to the National Coal Mining Museum.

Friday 1st October: Dress as a word day! Please turn over for ideas (no donation necessary)

Library refurbishment – You may remember in my last newsletter I updated you with our library renovation grant.  I have been working with the PTA to try and organise some fundraising events to ensure we have lots of lovely books for our library.

Amazon wishlist – Today we will send by text a link to our school amazon wishlist.  Here your child can purchase a book to donate/sponsor for our school library. The book will be sent straight to school where Mrs Pick will write in each child’s name.  The book will then go in the library for years to come and children will know who donated it to our school. I know money for some can be difficult following the covid pandemic so please do not worry if you cannot purchase a book from the wishlist.

Book sale – The PTA will be organising a book sale. In front of the school reception will be a box for pre loved books. The PTA are asking for children to donate just one book that they no longer read at home to the book box.  We will collect these and on Monday 4th, Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th October will sell the books at the end of the school day on the school playground for 50p to raise money for the project. Your child will be able to come and purchase a preloved book that they can enjoy and read at home. As part of the covid risk assessment the books will be disinfected prior to the sale.

Uniform– Finally, just a reminder about uniform particularly in the Early Years. Please do not spend lots of money on uniform.  In the Early Years (Nursery and Reception) children will come home with paint, water, mud on their uniform, this is part of their play and their learning.  We encourage the children to wear aprons that are available but sometimes we do end up with painted cuffs or sleeves! Please do not worry if these do not come out fully in the wash, children can continue to wear these jumpers and cardis until they grow out of them, by then they will certainly be ‘well loved’.

Thank you for patience and support whilst we have made changes to the school routines. I know these changes may be difficult for some but pleased be assured all decisions are made in the best interests of the children.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs D Edwards
