Dear parents and carers,
Ofsted – Firstly, thank you all for your support and encouragement last week during our OFSTED inspection. It was the school’s first inspection since 2017 when the school was judged to be requiring improvement. At this stage we are waiting for the finalisation of the report and as soon as this is available I will make sure you all get a paper copy to read!
Christmas Celebrations – Christmas is quickly approaching and I wanted to let all families know our arrangements for Christmas celebrations in school.
Nativities – We will be running two performances for each nativity and are inviting 2 adults per family to attend (across both performances) to ensure we can do these events safely. If you have younger siblings we would encourage you to try find alternative childcare to allow you the opportunity to watch your child’s performance without interruption. If this is not possible siblings will be able to sit on parents knees and are not included in the 2 adults. For nativity performances parents will be able to take photographs of their child participating. We ask that these are for your own personal use and are not used on any social media.
If you wish to attend, please complete the form attached to this newsletter.
Costume slips for the nativity will be sent out by the teachers nearer the event. School will be providing most of the costumes so please do not worry. To help us plan the events effectively there is a form attached to this letter that you will need to complete. This includes which nativity performance you will be attending.
Santa visits Common Road – Santa will be attending all the children’s Christmas party’s this year and hopefully…if they’ve been good, bringing each child a small gift from the school. Food for the Christmas parties will be arranged by Mrs Watkins who will make a buffet lunch on party days. Some small supplementary things may be needed and some nibbles for nursery but there shouldn’t be much parents need to provide. This year you will be able to purchase a photograph of your child with Santa (these would make a perfect Christmas gift!) If you would like to order a photograph of your child and our special visitor together please complete the form attached to this newsletter and enclose £2.00 per photograph.
Christmas post – Our Christmas post box will be in school from 1st December. Each class teacher will have a class list with first names only to help children when writing their cards. Please can you make sure all cards have the child’s name and class on (ideally their surname if your child can remember!).
The community Christmas tree – Next Friday we will be decorating our school Christmas trees as a school family. We will also have a small potted tree outside the main school entrance. Once again this year we are inviting families to decorate this. You may like to make your own bauble, donate one from your collection or choose one from the shop you would like to buy. You are welcome from next Friday 3rd December to come and decorate our tree with your child. We cannot wait to see it when it is finished.
Below is a calendar detailing each Christmas event and what your child will need…
Wednesday 8th December
- Year 1 and Year 2 nativity 10am
- Reception and Nursery nativity 2pm – all nursery pupils to attend in the afternoon 12.30pm
Thursday 9th December
- Reception and Nursery nativity 10am – all nursery pupils to attend in the morning 8.30pm
- Year 1 and Year 2 nativity 2pm
Friday 10th December
- Christmas dinner day (if your child has a packed lunch and would like a Christmas dinner on this day please let the office know). All children can wear their Christmas jumpers for the day. A silver coin donation for Save The Children welcomed.
Tuesday 14th December
- Nursery Christmas party – all nursery pupils to attend in the morning 8.30pm please come in party clothes.
- Reception Christmas party in the afternoon, children can come to school in their party clothes.
Wednesday 15th December
- Year 1 Christmas party in the afternoon, children can come to school in their party clothes.
Thursday 16th December
- Year 2 Christmas party in the afternoon, children can come to school in their party clothes.
Friday 17th December
- South Kirkby Academy closed. Common Road remains open for children to attend.
- School closes for the Christmas break at 3.05pm and re-opens Tuesday 4th January
Finally, if any parents would be happy to spare a morning helping wrap the children’s gifts etc this would be much appreciated please just let the school office know.
I look forward to celebrating all these milestones and making many special memories together with you and your families.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs D Edwards