Dear parents and carers,
Can I start by wishing you all a Happy New Year! We were delighted to welcome the children back to school. The school has been a hive of activity and all the children have returned full of enthusiasm and energy ready to learn!
Attached to this newsletter you will find a copy of the Spring Term diary dates. Please keep these safe, perhaps pop them on the fridge so you know what is planned for the next term. Under current restrictions we are still welcoming families into school following the school risk assessment, I hope this continues to remain the case!
OFSTED inspection report and outcome – I am delighted to attach to this letter a copy of the school’s OFSTED report from our inspection in November. The report is not published on the OFSTED website yet as parents of children at the school receive their copy of the report first. We were over the moon with the inspection result which agreed with our self-evaluation and after two busy days inspectors judged the school to be GOOD in all areas. We are absolutely thrilled and this marks an exciting new chapter for our school.
I am immensely proud of all our children and how they conducted themselves throughout the inspection, they were excellent ambassadors for the school. I am also incredibly proud of the Common Road team…what can I say you are the ‘Dream Team’ and you deserve the recognition for your drive, resilience and commitment you have shown to our school. I am so proud of each and every staff member!
I also would like to thank all our families who continue to support us week on week. It never goes unnoticed. I am so lucky and proud to be the Headteacher of Common Road Infant School…which is now a GOOD school!
COVID update – Children need to come to school every day. If your child has symptoms of covid-19 they will need to take a test. LFT kits are available from the school office. If someone in your household tests positive your child can continue to come to school daily, it is recommended that they take a daily LFT. If your child tests positive they can take a LFT on day 6 and 7 of their isolation and if this is negative return to school, ending their isolation early. Please telephone the school office for any advice.
Library opening – I am delighted to inform you that we will finally be opening our school library following its recent renovation.
Next Wednesday, 12th January will be the official opening and we are inviting children and parents to come to our library during the school day to meet children’s author Conrad Burdekin. Children and parents will be able to take part in his storytelling session…these are always great fun and Conrad will also be selling a selection of his books.
At the end of the session children can choose their first new library book and borrow this from our new library.
If you would like to attend the library opening with your child, please fill the slip in on the attached printable version of this newsletter.
We ask that only one parent attends with their child and the sessions will take place across the school day, keeping group numbers small. Where possible we ask parents to wear a face covering in the session. Hand gel will be supplied on entry and windows open for ventilation.
We will also be working with Pontefract Bookworms to take part in their online book sale. Attached to this letter is a flyer with the sale website and discount code. This means you can buy a book for just £2.50 for your child and have it delivered to school for free!!! And it gets even better… school receive a number of free books in return for the books our parents order! I have ordered a book for Posey from here and they are lovely books and such a bargain for £2.50.

All you need to do is:
- visit
- choose your book
- use the discount code COMMON to get a book for £2.50
- check out selecting collection from HQ
- add your child’s name and class in the comment box below
- pay for your book.
All children will be able to visit the library on a weekly basis. As you can imagine many new books have been purchased and we want to ensure that these are well looked after/returned weekly. Please can you make sure your child brings their library book for changing on the following days:
Reception and Nursery – Every Monday | Year 1 – Every Thursday | Year 2 – Every Friday
If their book is not returned they will be unable to borrow another until it is returned. For any books that are lost/damaged we will be asking parents for a £3 donation towards a new book.
Finally, thank you all for your continued support and encouragement. It never goes unnoticed!
Yours sincerely,
Mrs D Edwards