Newsletter 30th September 2022

Dear parents and carers,

I hope this newsletter finds you all well. It has been a busy week here in school with lots of RWI sessions taking place for parents and governors. Today was our MacMillan coffee morning too! Thank you to everyone who attended and supported this charity’s great work.

A few dates for your diaries:

Tuesday 4th October – School photographs

Wednesday 5th October – Nursery Phonics sessions for parents at 11.15am for morning pupils and 3.00pm for afternoon pupils

Thursday 6th October – National poetry day

Friday 7th October – Year 2 pupils competing in Cross Country event all children to come in PE kit and trainers/pumps

Monday 10th October – Dress as a word day! Please note date change from Friday 7th October.

Tuesday 11th October – Panda’s class assembly 9am in the school hall

WC 17th October – Parent pupil progress meetings with teachers

Monday 17th October – Year 1 pupils visit Pontefract Castle

Tuesday 18th October – Elephant’s class assembly – Harvest – 9am in the school hall, all children in school invited to bring a tin for the harvest festival which will be donated to local food banks.

Wednesday 19th October – Year 2 pupils visit the National Coal Mining museum

Friday 21st October – School closes for the October half-term break

Goodbye Mrs Lee
It is with mixed emotions I write to inform you that Mrs Lee will leave our school at Christmas. Mr Lee and Mrs Lee are re-locating to Texas in the USA and unfortunately it was an offer I couldn’t compete with… We have appointed a new teacher for the Panda class family Miss Emily White who will join us after the October and teach up to Christmas with Mrs Lee to ensure the smoothest transition for our children. I am sure you will join me in wishing Mr and Mrs Lee our very best as they start another exciting new adventure together.

We are delighted to inform you that Mrs Hulme has joined our school team as a permanent teacher after her recent interview, congratulations Mrs Hulme, this was truly well deserved.

Welcome to the team…
We were delighted to appoint three new teaching assistants to our school after our recent interviews for our vacancy. Congratulations to Miss Lloyd and Miss Khalil who will join the Year 2 team, Miss Khalil will also be working in our school nursery, and Mrs Hale who will join the early year’s team in reception. We also would like to congratulate Mrs Mock on her permanent appointment as teaching assistant at our school.

It has been brought to our attention by neighbours and parents that once again parking around our school remains an issue. Unfortunately this is an issue faced by many schools. I have asked our local PCSO to come to school and run some car parking patrols. Where possible if you live in walking distance, walking rather than driving will help ease congestion. Please can I ask when you are parking you treat each other respectfully and look after each other, we are one community.

Reading champions
Starting next week we will be launching our reading champion initiative once again. If your child reads at home 3 times a week they receive a raffle ticket and are entered into a prize draw to win a book to take home and keep. All you need to do is write a short note or sign your child’s reading record so we know they have read at home.

Remember you don’t need to read a full book, little and often is best with young children. Try to make it part of your routine by reading after breakfast or after the bath. Good luck everyone!

Golden table
This week we introduced the golden table to our children for the first time. Children can earn a place on the golden table by using good lunchtime manners or showing excellent lunchtime behaviour. Each Friday the children spotted by the lunchtime supervisors will receive a black behaviour star certificate and for the following week will eat on the golden table every day with a member of school staff. They have a question of the week to discuss and the table is set up like a restaurant with a table cloth, candles and even some plants. We hope that children will enjoy this dining experience!

Relief kitchen staff
ISS catering services are looking for relief kitchen staff. The relief kitchen staff posts will be term time only. There is a minimum guaranteed 5 hours per week with any additional hours being paid at overtime. £9.50 per hour and uniform is provided. For more information call Diane Gascoigne 07795821782

Thank you all for your continued support and for always championing our school this is very much appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs D Edwards


*All data we collect is kept in line with the Data Protection Act 2018.