Dear parents and carers,
I would like to start by wishing you all a happy and healthy New Year! I hope you enjoyed the Christmas break with your family, I know we certainly did. Posey was lucky enough to be on Santa’s good list and received a new Barbie campervan… she was very pleased! I was thinking about you all during the Christmas break!
In school we have another packed half term of learning planned keep your eyes peeled next week for the class teacher newsletters that will tell you more about what your child is learning. Attached to this letter are the diary dates for the spring term. Please keep these safe!
We are recruiting… – We are looking for 2 temporary teaching assistants to join our team of dedicated, hardworking and talented support staff team. The post will be to support the teacher and children in the classroom with their learning. The posts will be temporary until 31st August 2023.
We are also looking to expand our team of lunchtime supervisors. We are looking for 2 new midday supervisors to join our team, ably led by Mrs Chapman. You will need to be happy to play games with the children, help them with their lunch and be outdoors in all weathers!!!
If you are interested in either of our vacancies please call into the school office for an application pack. Closing date for applications is Wednesday 18th January at 12 noon.
Volunteers – In school we aim to hear all children read three times a week and children who need extra support read every day. We would love to encourage any parents, grandparents, carers to come and join us in school and listen to the children read. If this is something you would be interested in please speak to your child’s class teacher.
Reading champions – We will be relaunching our reading champion’s initiative next week. To be entered into the weekly prize draw to win a brand new book for home all you need to do is listen to your child read at home at least 3 times a week and write this in their reading record. This doesn’t have to be a full book, just a few pages! We will mark this off and add a raffle ticket for your child to the draw. The first prize draw will take place on Friday 13th January.
Christmas book – We hope all the children enjoyed their Christmas gift from school which was a copy of the Christmas Surprise. For reception children this will be the second book they have received from school this year. We hope that this book has joined the one given in September in your homemade book treasure chest you made with your child in September. Keep your eyes peeled for another addition at the end of the spring term.
Pizza Express – Attendance award – Congratulations to the Panda’s class who had the highest class attendance in the autumn term at 94%, they will be visiting Pizza Express on Tuesday morning next week for a cookery class to make their own pizzas which we will then enjoy for their lunch. Who will have the highest attendance this term and what will the reward be… you’ll have to wait and see!
PE teaching – This year all children will receive coaching in the following three sports netball, tennis and gymnastics. After children have attended the gymnastics coaching session they will have a specialist lesson that will take place at the Normanton Sports Acro Centre where the children can use the more specialist equipment we cannot provide in school. This is all funded through school sports premium. Next week to conclude their gymnastics learning Reception class will visit the Acro Centre.
Please can Reception and Year 1 children bring to school (and keep in school) a PE kit that includes a white t-shirt, black/navy shorts and a pair of pumps that fit. Long hair will need to be tied back and jewellery will need to be removed and earrings covered.
This term we are inviting Year 2 children to come in their PE kit this term (track suit top/bottoms with shorts underneath, white t shirt and a pair of trainers)
PE days are as follows:
Reception – Monday/Wednesday Year 1 – Thursday/Friday Year 2 – Tuesday/Wednesday
We are really proud of our PE offer and we continue to offer one sporting after school club each term alongside participating in a number of competitive sporting events. Last term this included cross country, multi-skills and football. Thank you to Miss Brown for leading this subject so well.
After school clubs – Alongside this newsletter you will have received a copy of our after school club offer for the spring term (until Easter) this term we are running construction, art and netball clubs all for free. Thank you to the teachers and support staff who are delivering these clubs this term for free for children and families. Hopefully there is something for everyone in our after school offer. Please return your forms as soon as possible.
Save the dates…
27th January Y2/Y1 reading cafes for parents and children – more details to follow
3rd February Reception reading cafes and Nursery letters and sounds sessions for parents and children – more details to follow
WC 6th February Parents meetings with teachers – more details to follow
7th February Penguins class assembly – parents welcomed
Keeping up to date… – Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook or Twitter or take a look at our school website if you would like to find out more information about our school or to see what we have been busy learning. Notifications will also be made available on the school’s social media pages e.g. snow closures etc.
I am very much looking forward to working with you all this term to give our children the very best education.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs D Edwards
*All data we collect is kept in line with the Data Protection Act 2018.