Flying High Together

Newsletter 24th May 2022

Dear parents and carers,

I hope this letter finds you all well. I cannot believe how quickly this half term has gone! Attached to this letter is an updated version of this terms diary dates. Some dates have had to change to ensure transition events could take place on the same day across our pyramid of schools.

Reminder: Mrs Lee’s class (Panda’s) assembly is on Thursday 26th May at 9am. Parents welcome.

Jubilee celebration day
On Friday we will be celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in school. All children are invited to wear red, white and blue on Friday and any silver coin donations will be for school funds. As a school family we will be having a picnic lunch on Friday and our Year 2 children will be having their picnic over at South Kirkby Academy alongside the Year 3 children.
In the afternoon we are looking forward to our first school fundraiser organised by our Champions of Common Road. Children can be collected from school on Friday 27th May at 2.45pm when the gala begins. There will be plenty of family friendly games and stalls for all to enjoy. All monies raised will go to resources for the children of Common Road School.

A very special keepsake – Primary school children across the UK will receive a copy of the book ‘Queen Elizabeth: A Platinum Jubilee Celebration’ Children will receive their copy from school on Friday. This book has been designed as an official once-in-a-lifetime commemoration of the Platinum Jubilee and written in collaboration with royal experts and historians, the book tells the story of a young girl, Isabella, visiting her Great Granny Joyce who tells her about the Queen and this year’s Jubilee. A memory to treasure for years to come!

We are the champions…
Congratulations to Reggie, Morgan, Lucy, Harrison, Georgie, Olivia, Mia, Lilah, Seth and Kai who represented our school at the Minsthorpe Community College Multi-Sports competition. We are so proud of your dedication, attitude and outstanding behaviour. Miss Brown and Mrs Conway were amazed with how you conducted yourselves. You have made our school so proud and your trophy is pride of place. Hopefully this will be one of many…

Phonics screening checks
After the May holidays the Year 1 children will be taking their phonics screening check. Miss Atkinson and the Year 1 team will be sending some resources home for you to use should you wish to over the half term break.

The checks will take place in school with their teacher who they know and feel secure and safe. We all want the children to do their very best but they are still very young and we do not want to put any pressure on our young children during this time, our aim is to keep their school day as normal as possible.

At home you can support your child by:
☺ Helping them practise their learning for example using the phonics resources sent home for the holidays. ☺ Making sure they get a good night’s sleep
☺ Make sure they have their breakfast
☺ Making sure they come to school on time…all these things will help your child have a calm and settled start to their school day.

The results of the check will be published in your child’s annual school report.

Transition events
Myself and Mr Potter, Headteacher at South Kirkby Academy have been working together to plan lots of transition activities to support our Year 2 children as they prepare to move to Year 3. This includes teachers from SKA visiting Year 2 children to share a story, children visiting SKA for a question and answer session with their pupils but to name a few. We have also arranged a family transition event called the Transition Trail treasure hunt. This will take place on Thursday 9th June 2022 starting here at Common Road at 5pm. We will have a number of books that children can ‘sponsor’ for our school library your child will be able to write their name in the book as a sponsor so children who visit the library in later years will know who sponsored their book. This will be just £1. Whilst here you can pick up a trail treasure hunt sheet and follow the clues over to SKA where Mr Potter will be waiting to greet you. You can then enjoy having a look around your child’s new school.

The transition day for all pupils from Nursery – Year 2 is Tuesday 28th June 2022. On this day your child will spend time with their new teacher and their new class family.
For children in Nursery joining Reception in September we will be having our singing and storytelling event on Wednesday 22nd June 2022 4.00-4.30pm. Parents are welcome to join us in reception where Miss Perry and Mrs Hulme will lead the singing and storytelling session.

Parents meetings and annual school reports
We will be holding our last parents meetings of this academic year WC 11th July. Please keep your eyes peeled for a slip to book your pupil progress time slot. You will receive your child’s annual report on Thursday 7th July please once again keep your eyes peeled for this special report, the teachers take lots of time writing these reports so we hope you enjoy reading them. With the report there will be a parent comment slip we would love to hear your thoughts and comments.

Please keep your eyes on our social media feeds to find out more about what we have planned and what we have been up to!

Thank you all for your continued support.

Mrs D Edwards


*All data we collect is kept in line with the Data Protection Act 2018.

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